Sunday, July 31, 2011

Don't Play with your Prey!

Lessons from the backyard are hard to take sometimes, in this case we can all learn from the one that got away.  As we negotiate million dollar deals to enable project funding through complex financial structures, bizcat advised me that if you are hungry take the first one offered, dispatch it quickly and fill up right there.

I am working on several projects that are stalled at the gate because when the money was available there was always a reason for not taking the deal. It is clear that no offer is either perfect or eternal, but had I reacted at that time and scooped up the dollars to start the business, the business would be started and providing revenues or losses totally unrelated to the reasons why we did not pursue the money.

Clearly not clinching is the greater sin even though we constantly hear others advising us to be ready to walk away if it does not feel right.  That is the difference from a mouse on the deck and bowl full of cat food.  The mouse means work, the bowl means food, but both mean an end to hunger.

Also the longer the cat plays with his food the better the chance of the meal walking off, so as advised look at the deal from the point of view of not finding reasons to walk away, and accept the fact that there is much good in eating it now.

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