Saturday, July 2, 2011


Ever wonder why sometimes business situations get way out of hand? Ever wonder why you are absolutely clear on what you said and what you meant and realize that suddenly they is speaking a foreign language? Ever wonder why a cat will not respond to your commands?

It's pretty simple really, they hear what they want to hear, interpret what you say and react to what they believe you said. The reason is that all conversations are fluid intercourses between entities that have no connection beyond the immediate. In that context it should come as no surprise that so little actually gets done.  Once you are at the writing stage, then movement and speed picks up. Nothing braces a business deal faster than having attorneys around a table drafting contracts. There are no superfluous conversations as they diddle out stock phrases and spout almost religious cant and dogma.

So why is there suddenly credibility where before there was doubt? Because here the words have specific meaning beyond what they usually mean. An indemnity clause is a clear admission that sometimes things go wrong and someone will have to pay.  In a cat's world there are no indemnity clauses because the cat only hears what the cat hears. The real world takes on a whole new threatening mantle where it becomes impossible to hide.

It is not a better world, but a far safer one.

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