Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Those Elusive Balls.

OK, it's all lined up, the ducks are waddling towards completion, contracts risk getting signed, everything appears to be on track, said the Kat. "We got them by the balls," he said with a smirk. "But between reality and the truth there are more than a handful of balls."

You see just because your "client" told you exactly what he had and what he wanted there was an ocean of misinformation. The collateral for the seed money, that seven million dollar piece of land, is actually an old town dump under heavy EPA review. The engineering review that promised a solid foundation for the concrete slab noticed that under the landfill gorf there is a swamp, which is why the landfill went in there in the first place.

A quick trip to Ripoff Report points out that your principal is an honorary member of the Ontario Parole Board, with a bullet! Them balls are starting to look a little soft, you may be dealing with the last of the castrati because all your questions are now being answered by "That's not exactly what I said!" even though you have the tape.

So Kat don't care again, you just call and desist, what was the client responsibility is now your problem.